Relevant Publications
11. Lawrence, J.P., B. Rojas, A. Blanchette, R.A. Saporito, J. Mappes, A. Fouquet, and B.P. Noonan. 2023. Linking predator
responses to alkaloid variation in poison frogs. Journal of Chemical Ecology. DOI
Press Coverage: VetMedUni
10. Gaieck, W., J.P. Lawrence, M. Montchal, W. Pandori, and E. Valdez-Ward. 2020. Opinion: Science policy for scientists: A simple task for great effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (35): 20977–20981.
9. Lawrence, J.P.*, B. Rojas*, A. Fouquet, J. Mappes, A. Blanchette, R.A. Saporito, R.J. Bosque, E.A. Courtois, and
B.P. Noonan. 2019. Weak warning signals can persist in absence of gene flow. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences 116 (38): 19037-19045. *Equal contribution
Press Coverage: New York Times Science Direct Dr. Stevil's Blog
8. Umbers, K.D.L., J.L. Riley, M.B.J. Kelly, G. Taylor-Dalton, J.P. Lawrence, and P.G. Byrne. 2020.
Educating the enemy: Harnessing learned avoidance behaviour in wild predators to increase survival of reintroduced
Southern Corroboree Frogs. Conservation Science and Practice. 2: e139.
7. Lawrence, J.P. 2018. Differential responses to forest edges among populations of Oophaga pumilio
(Anura: Dendrobatidae) from Panama. Phyllomedusa 17: 247-253.
6. Bosque R.J., J.P. Lawrence, R. Buchholz, G.R.N. Colli, J. Heppard, and B.P. Noonan. 2018. Diversity of warning
signals and social interaction influences the evolution of imperfect mimicry. Ecology and
Evolution. 8: 7490–7499.
5. Lawrence, J.P., M. Mahony, and B.P. Noonan. 2018. Differential responses of avian and mammalian predators to
phenotypic variation in Australian Brood Frogs. PLoS ONE 13 (4) e0195446.
4. Lawrence. J.P. and B.P. Noonan. 2018. Avian learning favors colorful, not bright, signals. PLoS ONE 13 (3):
3. Lawrence, J.P. 2017. Hypsiboas cinerascens predation. Herpetological Review. 48 (2): 409.
Oophaga pumilio. Journal of Herpetology 51:52-57.
Book Chapters
Rojas, B., J.P. Lawrence, and R. Márquez. 2023. "Amphibian Coloration: Proximate Mechanisms, Evolution, and Function." In G. Moreno-Ruedo and M. Comas (Eds.) Evolutionary Ecology in Amphibians. CRC Press.
Lawrence, J.P. and G.R. Urquhart. 2023. Demographic responses in a population of the Strawberry Poison Dart Frog (Oophaga pumilio) after the addition of artificial rearing sites. Ichthyology and Herpetology. Accepted.
Sague, M.*, V. Dudaitis*, L. Plumert*, K.D.L. Umbers, R. A. Saporito, and J.P. Lawrence. 2023. Alkaloid-based chemical defenses and diet in six species of Australian Poison Frogs in the genus Pseudophryne (Myobatrachidae). Evolutionary Ecology. In Review *Undergraduate coauthors
In Prep
Dang, A., G.D. Bernard, F. Yuan, A. Macias-Muñoz, R.I. Hill, J.P. Lawrence, A.G. Rangel Olguin, A. Luis-Martínez, S.P. Mullen, J. Llorente-Bousquets, and A.D. Briscoe. 2023. Seeing mimetic butterfly wings through mimetic butterfly eyes: Evidence that brightness vision helps Adelpha fessonia identify potential mates. Anticipated submission in Fall 2023.
Lawrence, J.P. Variable conservation of morphological features in a polytypic frog (Oophaga pumilio). Anticipated submission in Winter 2023.
Lawrence, J.P., B. Rojas, J. Mappes, J, Yeager, and J. Endler. Polymorphism and polytypism revisited: when phenotype varies across a landscape but terminology does not. Anticipated submission in Spring 2024.
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